Command and Control
Miloš Stolić, Command and Control, 2018
Installation, Video HD with surround 5.1
loop, indefinite length, multiple HDTV, vertical speakers, office tables, chairs
Over the past decades immigration control has become
a sensitive political issue so that checks at the European
borders have entered a new stage of hi-tech monitoring
systems. In hermetically sealed rooms the authorities
run a sophisticated de-centred security systems to improve
the efficiency of the fight against illegal immigration
and other border crime activities. Such facilities are
the nodes of wide-ranging global network for sharing
information to provide national and international security.
They embody non-transparency and inaccessibility
that visualize strong top-down systems of state control.
The exhibition space is transformed into a monitoring
room, the viewer is placed in an institution of control in
which he has to reflect.
‘Command and control’ is a conceptually thought-out
work based on an audio piece called „Send them Back“
by Miloš Stolić, 2014. Miloš Stolić makes use of material
from the European Media archive/ database. Found
footage, filtered using specific keywords (eg. migration),
were recut and rearranged into a new composition and
presented in the installation room.
The medial view of the migrants is counterposed by looking
into the European Parliament. Video clips from conferences
and forums show old white men in positions
of power negotiating the issue of European migration
policy. At the same time „stock-videos“ of European Reports
are played, reinforcing the inability to articulate the
migrants’ voice. The audio is a composed sound scape
of the same material, but only the non-commenting moments
are heard.