
Miloš Stolić, Gate, 2018
Installation, Video HD with surround 5.1
loop, indefinite length, 8x 40" HDTV, stanchions, vinyl cut letters

There are humans who have decided to remain isolated from national society. They prefer to avoid or resist any further contact. Many of these groups have tragic histories of encounters with outsiders — too much ‘contact’ — where they fought to preserve their isolation and, usually, came up much worse off than the outnumbering intruders. All of them have made their wishes abundantly clear: stay away. Miloš Stolić compiles iconic footage of tribes coming in contact with modern society and computer generated imaginary themed by ‘exotic or fetishizing content’. Referring to a picture taken in 2004 that shows a tribesman who aims his bow and arrow at an Indian Coast Guard helicopter, the artist appeals to the viewer to rethink the production of pictures. The work deals with the eurocentric view and its offending transfer in a multimedia hyper-reality. The installation is placed in an airport similar room where people move. It is a transitional moment in which the gaze of the passengers assumes the status of commodification and racist sentiments.