
Miloš Stolić, Limitless, 2018
Installation, Video HD with surround 5.1
loop, indefinite length, projector, 6x custom made matts, 180x120cm

High-speed intercity highways have nearly no speed limitation. They have their own signalisation and orientation system and they rank it in some countries among the most longest controlled-access systems in the world. „Free driving for free citizens“ („freie Fahrt für freie Bürger“) is a popular slogan fighting against speed restrictions during war times on German highways, so called autobahnen. The construction of these transportation systems goes back to the Nazi period, to provide faster and better distribution. „Limitless“ shows a driving simulation, underlined with hard hitting and repetitive techno rhythms in a room filled with mats. Techno was developed mostly by Afroamericans as a futuristic movement in Detroit, late 80s. In techno, repetition is a main characteristic and its initial reputation of „machine noise“ is a counter-movement against traditional western music. Their heritage, classical African drum music (tribal music), has often a very “techno”-like structure. Repetition will make one half of the audience feel comfortable and trigger a feeling of togetherness, while the other half would like to escape from the monotony.